Tag Archives: Bradet

Power outage in my area

This morning around 5 am I have experienced a power outage in my area and the entire valley went into complete darkness. In all fairness, it was snowing quite heavily throughout the night and sometimes power lines can be affected. I don’t know what actually has happened, but luckily the power came back in about two hours. I took my phone out, turn off the flash and snap a 30 seconds long exposure image with the camera against the window. After a bit of processing this is the final image. On an overcast day this is how it looks like.

Power Outage Bradet

364-2020 – Mountain top covered with snow

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about a mountain top covered with snow in the beautiful morning light. My mother-in-law in law told me that when I see snow on the top of that mountain it’s going to snow soon. She was right. For the past two days it snow in Bradet and we even managed to make a snowman ⛄️ . FREE Digital Image Hungry for more beautiful images? Check out “A photo a day challenge 2020” gallery and download for FREE your favourite image for personal use. If you like what […]

362-2020 – Winter Landscape in Bradet

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about a winter landscape in Bradet. The same spot looked totally different a few months ago. FREE Digital Image Hungry for more beautiful images? Check out “A photo a day challenge 2020” gallery and download for FREE your favourite image for personal use. If you like what you see, I would appreciate a Like, comment & share to keep me motivated! 😉

361-2020 – Snowy Bob the Snowman

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about the “Snowy Bob” the snowman ⛄️. When I asked my daughter what’s the snowman’s name she quickly responded: “Snowy Bob”. We used pebble for eyes, carrot for nose, two parsnips for mouth and two brooms for hands. Let’s hope tomorrow will be able to make a bigger snowman ⛄️. In this image the snow appears orange, because the street lights contain vapour of sodium and cast a orange hue in the presence of electricity. Below is the same image in which I used the eye […]

358-2020 – Foggy Day in Bradet

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is a landscape of a foggy day in Bradet with the sun shining through the 🌲. A few months ago, the same scene looked like this, apart from the tall pine trees on the left hand side. FREE Digital Image Hungry for more beautiful images? Check out “A photo a day challenge 2020” gallery and download for FREE your favourite image for personal use. If you like what you see, I would appreciate a Like, comment & share to keep me motivated! 😉

352-2020 – Glorious Morning Sunshine

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is an image of Doftana Valley near Bradet in the glorious morning sunshine. -3 degrees Celsius in Bradet this morning, but it feels epic. My hands were frozen on the drone’s remote control, and for the first time in a while I took my pictures and returned the drone safely home before the low battery warning message kicked in. Happy to see my mother-in-law walking again. For the last few days she couldn’t even get off the bed. She’s got Stage 4 cirrhosis (end stage liver disease), which […]


302-2020 – Moonrise Over Carpathian Mountains

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is of the moonrise over carpathian mountains as seen from above Tarlung Reservoir. In reality, the moon looked much bigger and I wished I had a zoom lens to capture the scene. Nevertheless, the aerial shot brings its own advantage – a unique vantage point, which makes the image better. Like, comment & share!

248-2020 – White House with the Red Rooftop

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about the white house with the red rooftop I see every day from my kitchen window. Because our houses are in a valley, most days the top of the hills are covered with a white blanket of clouds and this is the view I see quite often. Spectacular I would say! Another interesting fact is that this house was the only house in the Doftana Valley in 2003, when my in-laws started the construction of their house. Now there are more than 30 houses around us, […]

Winter in Romania

Did you ever wonder how is winter in Romania? Winter in Romania is cold but when is snowing is very beautiful. Temperatures can go to -25 degrees Celsius or below. Snow is covering everything and when the sun shines is truly amazing. Houses are covered with a thick layer of snow, and long icicles are hanging by the gutters.