Tag Archives: romanian

128-2020 – Romanian Cabbage Rolls

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about one of my favourite dishes, Romanian Cabbage Rolls with minced meat, served with cream fresh and hot chilli peppers. I few weeks ago I bought Cabbage Rolls from one the Romanian shop in Basildon and I promised myself it will never happen again. The worst £10 I ever spent!Today, I bought a pack of pork and beef minced meat, mixed it with 200 g of rice, a chopped onion, 3 eggs, dill and thyme. Then, I washed a pickled cabbage in cold water and separate […]

124-2020 – Romanian Lemon Layer Cake

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about a traditional Romanian Lemon Layer Cake called Alba ca Zapada (Snow White Cake) This is my childhood favourite cake. I never tried make it myself until yesterday and today I am proud of showing it to you. Like, comment & share!

109-2020 – Orthodox Easter Preparations

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about the Orthodox Easter Preparations, we’ll celebrate tomorrow. We’ll paint the eggs mainly red and tomorrow each member of the family will pick one egg each, say an incantation then smash the boiled eggs on their heads. Whoever’s eggs remain intact wins. Then we’ll have a range of traditional sweet breads called Cozonac and Pasca. Main meal will consists of Tripe Soup (Ciorbă de Burtă) Stuffed Minced Meat Cabbage Rolls (Sarmale). Before the main dish we will have eggplant salad spread on toast. Traditionally, we normally […]

092-2020 – Romanian Wine Tasting

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about one of the activities I have developed during the lockdown: Romanian Wine Tasting. If you look closely, you can spot my daughter jumping off the slide in our back garden while I indulge in my newest indoor activity. After two glasses of wine, I am pretty sure I found the antidote for Covid-19 and the world should resume to normal starting tomorrow. Since today is 1st April, also known as April Fool’s Day, I hope you will let this one slide without spiralling up about […]