Category Archives: Services

Services provided by Ozgo Productions.

312-2020 – Behind the lens

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about one of those proud father moments when my daughter went behind the lens, directing and actually taking pictures of her friends. Usually, with any other activity her attention span is really short, a few minutes the most before she comes up with one of her lines: “I’m tired” Or “I’m bored”.Today after 30 minutes she was still going and I had to turn off the studio lights to signal that the photo session is over. Some of the images from this photoshoot can be seen […]

308-2020 – Bananas

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about two bananas on a mirror in the Ozgo Productions studio. The setup was really simple, one flash head shooting through a snoot, about 45 degrees from the subject pointing down. The main benefit of using a snoot is controlling the light. It restricts the spread to a narrow beam, so that some areas of the frame are not lit at all. In our tabletop example, the bananas are highlighted and the background is totally black. Like, comment & share!

306-2020 – Back to the UK

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about a moment worth remembering, after 3 months in Romania the entire family is back to the UK. Initially we were thinking to return for good in Romania, but after 3 months we realised that nothing has changed and I don’t think it will change anytime soon. As my wife said, “Let’s not forget why we left in the first place”. In conclusion, we would like that our daughter will have the best opportunity for a decent life, with less unnecessary struggles if possible and if […]

302-2020 – Moonrise Over Carpathian Mountains

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is of the moonrise over carpathian mountains as seen from above Tarlung Reservoir. In reality, the moon looked much bigger and I wished I had a zoom lens to capture the scene. Nevertheless, the aerial shot brings its own advantage – a unique vantage point, which makes the image better. Like, comment & share!

299-2020 – Family Portrait

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is a family portrait captured in the patio of Branești residence. For this image I used a Canon G16 camera with flash on a small tabletop tripod and wirelessly sent to the iPhone 11 Pro and edited in Lightroom mobile app. Like, comment & share!

298-2020 – Vineyard Sunrise

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is vineyard sunrise image from Brănești, Galati, România. It’s true, the best times to take images are the sunrises and sunsets. Just look at the colours and tell me I’m wrong. Like, comment & share!

293-2020 – Garden Dahlia

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about a beautiful garden dahlia. Dahlia pinnata is a perennial herbaceous plant with a rhizome and tuberous roots, reaching a height of 70 to 120, rarely 160 centimeters. The stem is erect being branched only in the inflorescence. The leaves are usually simple, with leaflets that are ovate and 5–10 cm long. The plant is slightly shaggy. Like, comment & share!