Category Archives: Places

Places I’ve been around the world.

New art installation outside Liverpool Street Station Elizabeth Line entrance

This new art installation erected outside Liverpool Street Station Elizabeth Line entrance makes me wonder: big and small stainless steel balls on a string. What could it be?! I don’t know who the artist is or what he/she is trying to say with this, but considering that most of them are perverts, I’m guessing: ‘anal beads’. Feel free to come up with your own interpretation.

259-2020 – Aerial view of Sacele City Centre

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is an aerial view of Sacele City Centre on a sunny day. The city since 1950 is composed of former villages which now form the main sectors: Baciu (Bácsfalu, Batschendorf), Turcheș (Türkös, Türkeschdorf), Cernatu (Csernátfalu, Zerndorf), and Satulung (Hosszúfalu, Langendorf). In the image above I mainly captured Cernatu. Like, comment & share!

248-2020 – White House with the Red Rooftop

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about the white house with the red rooftop I see everyday from my kitchen window. Because our houses are located in a valley, most days the top of the hills are covered with a white blanket of clouds and this is the view I see quite often. Spectacular I would say! Another interesting fact is that the white house with red rooftop was the only house in the Doftana Valley in 2003, when my in-laws started the construction of their house. Now there are more than […]

235-2020 – Gulas

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about a traditional dish in Transilvania: Gulas Our neighbours invited us to join them for lunch and they cooked a wonderful Gulas with chicken and polenta. They made it in a crockpot hanging over a wooden fire. Delicious! The food was wonderful, but the homemade cognac topped it all. Smooth and aromatic. Like, comment & share!