Tag Archives: 2020

078-2020 – Wink

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is a special request from my daughter. She was eating a pie while I was trying to take photos of birds. It was getting dark and I didn’t get any. She probably noticed the disappointment in my eyes when she asked me to take photos of her. Let’s say she didn’t have to ask me twice. I love this image because this is the moment when she winked at me, even though she did it with both eyes closed, still counts. Like, comment & share!


077-2020 – Magnolia Tree and the Secret of the Universe

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is a surprise capture which I can’t really explain. It is a photo of a Magnolia tree at night illuminated by the street lights or house’s exterior lights. What I can’t explain are the light patterns over imposed on the image. I never seen anything like this. This was around a 10 second long exposure from my balcony, using the slow shutter app on my iPhone 11 Pro on a small Manfrotto tripod. These are the settings: I did take another shot trying to replicate the light […]

076-2020 – Bird on a fence

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is of a bird on a fence in my garden. I am not a bird specialist, but I believe this is a male house sparrow. These birds managed to colonise most of the world and they feed on seeds and scraps. More information can be found on the RSPB website. Like, comment & share!

House sparrow on a fence

075-2020 – Angry Little Dragon

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is of an Angry Little Brown Dragon we’ve had in the studio @Ozgo Productions. I had to be quick because shortly after I snapped the photo our little dragon got really angry and shed its skin all over the floor. Like, comment & share!

074-2020 – Baking

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about baking, one of the indoor activities you can do when your child has to stay 7 days at home, because the UK government recommended this measure. Because I was coughing myself, I thought that the sensitive approach is to self-isolate myself for 7 days too, to avoid spreading germs and to look after my daughter. Let’s hope that I will not be penalised for doing the right thing!Like, comment & share!

073-2020 – Self-Isolation

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about the first day of self-isolation. I started coughing a few days ago, most likely I got the bug from my daughter, who is also coughing and got a runny nose. On the positive note, we are both felling generally well, no high temperature or difficulty breathing. I don’t believe in Coronavirus and I hate to see how Mass-media is spreading fear and help crashing the markets in the process. I fear the latter will kill more people than Coronavirus. Currently, the death toll is at […]

072-2020 – Fashion Trends

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about “ Fashion Trends” in London, Spring 2020. I am not into fashion, but I spotted something unusual about these upcoming trends in Fashion – and I am totally unacceptable. Did you notice the same thing I noticed? If you too spotted the mask or the gloves, then you are wrong. I am totally ok with wearing a mask and gloves in March in London, but I don’t understand why she would need two bags? Like, comment & share!

067-2020 Family Photo in the Studio

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is a family photo I took in our cosy small home studio @Ozgo Productions. As part of the same photo session in our studio are the images below. Do you know anyone who might be interested in booking a fun family photography session in our small studio? If you do, please send them our way. Like, comment & share!

063-2020 – Teaching in progress

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is one of the many images I’ve taken while teaching was in progress at CASS Executive Education, while supporting one of their programmes. I have chosen this image on purpose because of its focus on the lecturer’s hand holding a marker in the foreground and the blurred background, creating a layer of mistery and curiosity to the image. Like, comment & share!

061-2020 – Smoke

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about playing with fire, and this is the result: smoke. This is a result of me sticking a spaghetti in an orange and set it on fire at one end. After a second or two the flame died and smoke came out. I set my camera to shoot multiple frames per seconds and this is the one I like the most. Like, comment & share!

060-2020 – Raisins

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about a bunch of raisins lined up on a table. If I don’t have a wedding or a portrait session lined up, I like to set up my lights, roll down a background and start shooting water splashes or various products. Today was very difficult to choose the photo of the day because I had a few other good images that could easily be chosen to be the photo of the day. Which one is your favourite image? Leave a comment below. Like, comment & share!