Tag Archives: Macro

Use AI to better your Photography

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized photography, fundamentally changing how we approach image capture. While much attention has been given to AI’s ability to generate images, this post will focus on how AI can empower beginner photographers and boost their confidence to participate in photography competitions. Reflecting on my past experiences as a member of the Preston Photography Society (2008-2010) and the Romford Camera Club (2015-2016), I recall the excitement of photography competitions. Back then, I often wished for an AI companion to provide feedback on my photos—whether it was about improving framing, enhancing colours, or adjusting contrast. With […]

Bee collecting nectar

This delightful insect is a bee! It’s busy collecting nectar from the white daisy-like flower with its brown and black banded body. The slightly transparent wings allow it to hover gracefully as it goes about its important work. The vibrant yellow center of the flower provides a sweet reward for our hardworking bee friend. Remember, bees play a crucial role in pollination, helping plants reproduce and ensuring a healthy ecosystem. So let’s appreciate and protect these little pollinators! For those interested, I used a Canon 5D Mark III with a 24-70mm L lens and a 31mm Extension Tube Set for […]

129-2020 – Chamomile

Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, was taken in my front communal garden, and is a close-up on a chamomile flower. I also liked this image but I like the symmetry in the first image more. A few other shots taken that day during the same session. To capture this image I used a Canon 5D Mark III, with an Oshiro 60mm F2.8 Macro lens in bright sunlight. I can’t remember the exact settings, but from the metadata, I was able to extract the following: ISO 800, 1/250s most likely at F8, 1:1 […]

Macro Photography

Macro Photography (photographing small objects to make them look larger in the photo) is a form of photography that I always liked but never had the tools to do… properly. To get the ball rolling I finally decided to get an entry-level macro lens and start experimenting. This lens is not even available anymore but you might find similar products. One of the first images captured with this lens was in my garden behind the shed where this garden spider with a white cross on its back was hanging out. (no pun intended). I have to admit that I am […]

Garden spider with a white cross on its back