Highly commended images in a photo competition

2 highly commended images after Les Gentry Colour and B&W Print Competition at Romford Camera Club. Judge: Patrick Higham (Max: 2 Colour and 2 B/W)

On 10th May 2017, I have entered maximum of images allowed by the competition rules, 2 colour and 2 Black & White prints. Judge Patrick, judges in competitions for the last 33 years and admitted that he enjoys taking photographs or musicians singing. Unfortunately or luckily none of my entries fall within that category. From a total of 24 colour entries one of my images scored 10 out of 10 and second image scored 9 out of 10 points. 4 other images scored 10 points and in the end “my bundle of joy” (literally) finished with a mention “highly commended”.

Highly commended image - Bundle of Joy, newborn baby wrapped in pink fabric

After the break he judged the Black and White entries. Out of 19 entries, 2 were mine.

The first picture he judged was mine. Surprisingly, it got 10 out of 10 points which is unusual for the first image to get. I named it, “The Singing Ringing Tree”, initially shot in colour, then decided last minute to converted in Black and White. I strongly believe that it is a more powerful image in B&W rather than in colour. Three other images scored 10 of of 10 and in the end, finished in 4th place, again with the mention: “highly commended award”.

highly commended image The Singing Ringing Tree

Please take a look at my other two entries: Remains Of Old Pier At St Anne 7/10 and Majestic Tower Bridge 9/10. If you feel like, please comment below.

Remains Of Old Pier At St Anne

Majestic Tower Bridge

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