Tag Archives: fire

Winner at the 2017 Romford Camera Club Annual Digital Competition

In August 2016 I’ve joined Romford Camera Club. One of the benefits of being a member is that one can enter his images in the club’s competitions. Monthly, the club organises either a monthly digital or a monthly print competition (among other fund and interactive events). A member may enter a maximum of 3 prints and 3 DPI’s in a monthly competition a maximum of 6 prints or 6 DPI’s in a Half Yearly Competition – 6 Prints and 6 DPI’s is the maximum in an Annual Competition.

A ball worth fighting for.Augustin Galatanu

Must see places in Romania

Must see places in Romania My holiday in Romania started catching up with friend in Galati. Before trying the “snake’s bite’ home made Romanian moonshine I had to ask for something to eat first. If I learned anything in life until now is that if you ever plan on drinking make sure you eat first!