Bee collecting nectar
This delightful insect is a bee! It’s busy collecting nectar from the white daisy-like flower with its brown and black banded body. The slightly transparent wings allow it to hover gracefully as it goes about its important work. The vibrant yellow center of the flower provides a sweet reward for our hardworking bee friend.
Remember, bees play a crucial role in pollination, helping plants reproduce and ensuring a healthy ecosystem. So let’s appreciate and protect these little pollinators!

For those interested, I used a Canon 5D Mark III with a 24-70mm L lens and a 31mm Extension Tube Set for Canon EF EF-S 35mm Lens DSLR Camera. I also had a flash on top of the camera with a piece of white paper wrapped around it to bounce the light on my subject. Then I got close, very close and I am really happy with the results.

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