A brief is extremely important for an event photographer as it serves as a foundational guide for capturing the event effectively. Here’s why: 1. Clarifies Expectations 2. Defines the Scope of Work 3. Highlights Key Details 4. Ensures Consistency 5. Saves Time and Effort 6. Builds Trust 7. Post-Event Efficiency Key Elements of a Good Brief: In summary, a brief is crucial for ensuring the photographer can deliver high-quality work that meets the client’s expectations, while also making the process efficient and stress-free for both parties. Recently I had the pleasure of shooting an event with a very clear and detailed brief, which was incredibly helpful for […]
Category Archives: Services
Services provided by Ozgo Productions.
Recently, I had the privilege of photographing the Centre for Charity Effectiveness (CCE) master’s graduation reception held at Bunhill Row. The event was a celebration of hard work, dedication, and the incredible achievements of the graduates. The atmosphere was electric, filled with excitement and pride as graduates, faculty, and families came together to mark this special occasion. I worked closely with the marketing team, whose collaboration was instrumental in ensuring I captured the essence of the event. From candid moments during the reception to posed portraits of graduates, each shot was an opportunity to highlight the joy and accomplishments of […]
2025 began beautifully with Mia’s Christening at Parohia Ortodoxă Română Basildon. A frosty winter morning outside, but inside, it was warm, bright, and filled with solemn joy. Capture your cherished moments with our professional Christening photography and videography services – book now with Ozgo Productions!
In ChatGPT, using Describe image add-on, I uploaded this image I took today and prompted the following text: Describe this photo with a hint of conspiracy theory This is the response: “Composition: The image depicts a lineup of ten dolls and action figures, sitting in a row behind a wireless keyboard placed at the foreground. This setup creates a curious and deliberate juxtaposition of human-like figures with technology, hinting at coordination or control. The characters face forward in a suspiciously synchronised manner, as though participating in a covert council or plotting something secretive. Style and Details: • The dolls vary […]
Now Ozgo Production can offer winter photo sessions for kids and small families (max 4). Here are some images from a recent photo session that took place at Ozgo Productions. Equipment Used I used a Canon Speedlight 600EX-RT flashgun filed with 4x Ansmann AA Rechargeable Batteries and connected to a Canon EP-E4 Battery pack filled with another 8 Ansmann batteries. The flash was fitted with a newly purchased Tripo KX65 Softbox that I wanted to test. I also used a flash trigger YN-E3-RT mounted on my Canon 5D Mark III with a 24-70 mm F2.8 L. The backdrop can be […]
For those interested in how 2024 Recap – a Photography and Videography highlights video was made, please stay tuned. 1. The Script I asked ChatGPT with “She Knows Alt Text” addon the following: “I am a photographer and videographer and I want to create a short video like a retrospective of 2024, with examples of photos and videos I took and to thank my clients for trusting in me. Some of the projects this year were a mix of event photography and personal projects (macro photography), award ceremonies to headshots, from Christening to weddings, even a “trash the dress” session […]
One night a year Basildon is a really scary place…because everyone is ready for Halloween. Like in previous years Diana and me went for a stroll around the neighbourhood trick or treating. Happy Halloween everyone!
Un botez ortodox este un eveniment încărcat de semnificație spirituală și emoție, oferind fotografilor o multitudine de momente unice de surprins. Pentru a fi pregătit să imortalizezi fiecare etapă importantă, iată un ghid detaliat: Înainte de Ceremonie: În timpul Ceremoniei focusează-te pe: Sosirea si intrarea în biserică: Surprinde momentele de pregătire, familia adunându-se și emoțiile înainte de ceremonie. Fotografiază procesiunea, nașii și părinții intrând în biserică cu copilul. Intrarea în biserică: Rugăciunile inițiale: Captează atmosfera solemnă și expresiile celor prezenți în timpul rugăciunilor. Lepădarea de Satana și ungerea cu mir: Aceste momente sunt foarte importante și necesită o atenție deosebită […]
Recently I photographed the panel discussion Craft Lecture: Colonialism and Climate Change at Bayes Business School. Their focus was on the links between Colonialism and Climate Change and how history impacts the world we live. The event was hosted by Malla Pratt, Director for Racial Equity and Inclusion, and introduced by, Professor Andre Spicer, Dean of Bayes Business School. The panel discussion was chaired by Dr Sujata Visaria. More infor about the event you can find here.
Our family travelled through a ‘portal’ to planet Avora, a brand-new world full of mystery, wonder and mesmerising moments. The portal is in London, so if you are looking for a family experience don’t miss this one. Our Photo Gallery from Avora
As an event photographer, I recently had the pleasure of covering the “Sustainable Growth” inaugural lecture by Bina Mehta MBE at Bayes Business School. Here’s an inside look at my approach to capturing this special event: Pre-Event Preparation Normally I would arrive early to scout the location, but since I was familiar with it, I checked it off the list. I did notice that the venue updated the lighting in the auditorium, so a few test shots were necessary to make sure the lighting is consistent or if external flash is required. Staff and technicians usually are happy to help. […]
Calm Relaxing Music Perfect for Study and Deep Focus Work
Immerse yourself in tranquillity with 9 hours of breathtaking aerial footage. Set to soothing instrumental music, this video offers the perfect backdrop for studying, deep work or simply unwinding. Experience the beauty of nature from a bird’s-eye view while focusing on your tasks or fall to sleep in no time.
As a photographer, I’m often tasked with capturing life’s most precious moments. George’s christening at St. John’s Church was no exception. The sun was shining, the atmosphere was filled with joy, and the church’s beautiful stained glass windows provided a stunning backdrop for this special occasion. My goal was to capture the raw emotion and love that filled the room. I focused on the details: the tiny hands, the proud faces of the parents, the laughter of the guests. I wanted to create images that would transport the family back to this magical day for years to come. One of […]
In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized photography, fundamentally changing how we approach image capture. While much attention has been given to AI’s ability to generate images, this post will focus on how AI can empower beginner photographers and boost their confidence to participate in photography competitions. Reflecting on my past experiences as a member of the Preston Photography Society (2008-2010) and the Romford Camera Club (2015-2016), I recall the excitement of photography competitions. Back then, I often wished for an AI companion to provide feedback on my photos—whether it was about improving framing, enhancing colours, or adjusting contrast. With […]
This delightful insect is a bee! It’s busy collecting nectar from the white daisy-like flower with its brown and black banded body. The slightly transparent wings allow it to hover gracefully as it goes about its important work. The vibrant yellow center of the flower provides a sweet reward for our hardworking bee friend. Remember, bees play a crucial role in pollination, helping plants reproduce and ensuring a healthy ecosystem. So let’s appreciate and protect these little pollinators! For those interested, I used a Canon 5D Mark III with a 24-70mm L lens and a 31mm Extension Tube Set for […]
This new art installation erected outside Liverpool Street Station Elizabeth Line entrance makes me wonder – big and small stainless-steel balls on a string. What could it be?! I don’t know who the artist is or what he/she is trying to say with this, but considering that most of them are perverts, I’m guessing: ‘anal beads’. Feel free to come up with your own interpretation. Update 16/09/2024
A few pictures of the tallest buildings in the City of London, London’s Financial district near Lombards Street on a frosty winter morning.
The holiday season has arrived, and that means it’s time to lace up your skates and glide across the ice at Christmas Wonderland Lakeside! Nestled alongside twinkling lights, this winter wonderland offers an idyllic spot for indoor ice skating. Whether you come alone to practice your spins and jumps or arrive hand-in-hand with friends or family to leisurely circle the rink while sipping on hot chocolate, you’re guaranteed to feel that seasonal spirit. From the cheers and laughter of kids fumbling along on their very first skates to couples embracing as they sway to the faint sounds of holiday music […]
As a family photographer, I love capturing those special, unscripted moments of childhood wonder and imagination. Recently, I had the joy of photographing a session with a mom and her two kids, a boy and a girl, playing together in the sunset glow of Rise Park in Basildon. It was a fun, active shoot full of laughter, magic, and togetherness. The golden sunlight filtering through the trees set a beautiful scene. Both kids were thrilled to run around and explore. I let the two siblings play more naturally while I followed capturing candid moments. Some of my favourite images were […]
Intrați într-o lume de tradiții prețuite și sărbători pline de emoție în timp ce vă invităm să fiți martorii unui moment de bucurie – ceremonia de botez desfășurată în frumoasa Biserica Ortodoxă St. John din Colchester. Vă veți lăsa învăluiți de atmosfera liniștită a acestui loc de închinare măreț, unde generații de familii s-au adunat pentru a primi cu dragoste micuții în sânul credinței. Alăturați-vă nouă pe măsură ce surprindem momentele tandre, atingerea blândă a apei sfințite și semnificația profundă a acestui moment spiritual. În acest film emoționant, vom urmări povestea părinților plini de iubire în timp ce își prezintă […]