011-2020 – Light trails
I used Slow Shutter Cam app (£1.99) on iPhone 11 Pro to capture day 11’s photo of the day. Then I imported the photo in Lightroom mobile and adjusted the contrast, highlight and exposure to make it pop a little bit.

If you are interested to see the original image, see below.

If you are curious to see the other images I took, see below.
In first image I didn’t like that only half of the bus was captured.

In the second image, I did have captured the entire bus, but I had nothing interesting in the foreground.

I decided to sit down and try a long exposure shot. This is my first attempt at 60 seconds shutter speed.

It was clear to me that my subject was the roundabout, so I started to move around and try to find where to position my small Manfrotto Pixi tripod.

I didn’t find where to securely set up my tripod so I tried a few more handheld shots. In this image a bus was coming from my right hand side, turning right and the Plough & Tractor Pub is on the left.

If you are curious about the settings I used in Show Shutter Cam app, see below. Keep in mind that the shutter speed is set for 60 seconds, but I have stopped the capture after a few seconds because it was windy, cold, handholding the phone and kind of blocking the view for the cars entering the roundabout.

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Super pic!