271-2020 – Papaya Multiple Exposures
Today’s photo of the day, part of “a photo a day challenge 2020”, is about Papaya fruit captured using a feature in my camera called Multiple Exposures.

In case you haven’t noticed, in this image is only a half of papaya fruit on a black background, but as I mentioned above, on a Canon EOS 5D Mark III there is a built-in feature called “multiple exposures”.
How to I used Multiple Exposures feature?
In short, I enabled the multiple exposures feature, selected “additive” option with only 2 exposures (each exposure is added to the final image cumulatively) and rotated the fruit after each take. The camera merged the two images and you all see the final result.
What was your setup?
My lighting setup comprises of an Elinchrom D-Lite 400 Flash Head with a snoot attached to it, positioned above the fruit pointing down, triggered by a speedlight at 1/128 power.
I used a black paper background, a high chair with a shiny black table mat on top of which I placed my fruit.
What post processing have you done to this image?
The only post processing I’ve done in Lightroom Classic, was to brighten the fruit and darken the background to a complete black.
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